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Michael A. Gallo

12/03/58-02/02/22 or 02/03/22

but, definitely, not on 02/11/22


This website proves that Mikey died of Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF) due to a hospital's neglect and mistreatment of his APAP Poisoning, NOT Covid-19, and he actually died days before the doctors even began claiming his lungs were failing.

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APAP (N-acetyl-p-aminophenol), better known as Acetaminophen and Paracetamol, is the active ingredient in all Tylenol brand products.  When taken as directed, this highly promoted drug may help reduce a fever and relieve minor aches and pains.

When taken in excess, APAP will definitely cause Liver Damage and even death so be aware that it's contained in more than 500 different medicines.  Just taking the recommended dosages can cause moderate liver damage in healthy individuals. 

The good new is that there is an extremely safe and effective antidote for an APAP Poisoning called N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) and the liver can usually repair itself if allowed enough time to do so without re-injuring it with more harmful chemicals.

APAP is, actually, the #1 cause of Acute Liver Failure (ALF) in the world so doctors are medically and legally required to administer NAC whenever an APAP Poisoning is just suspected, no matter how much of it was taken or how long it had been.


Instead, they are neglecting and mistreating their victims with "Other" drugs, as proven on, which actually cause more harm and deaths!  Do you really believe this is due to incompetence or are they doing it, intentionally, for profit?


Well, it is also proven on that, in 1993, doctors began withholding the recommended decontamination treatments for all poisonings...  These treatments stop the poison from spreading throughout the body and causing more damage.


Then, in 2008, they even stopped reporting the occurrences of all poisonings from drugs along with the decontamination treatments and antidotes that were used or, I should say, not used plus the outcomes such as whether the patients lived or died.


Tabel 18 proves that the #1 cause of Fatalities due to drug and all other poisonings is really APAP as it is indicated in 2 different categories...  It's NOT Miscellaneous or Pharmaceutical and Illegal Opioid Preparations as we are tricked into believing!


Before I go on about APAP Poisonings, Liver Damage and Medical Malpractice or, I should say, Malfeasance, please read the APAP Poisoning report by Lauren-Ashley Smith below.  This very sad story and others like it can also be found on Quora.

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This is the last photo of Mikey taken a week before Inspira Medical Center chose to ignore his APAP Poisoning and Liver Damage so they could mistreat him for Covid, instead, knowing that it would kill him but they would make A LOT more money.


You'll also see photos of Mikey's severe hemorrhage that the hospital caused and other proof in updates that he was actually going into Hypovolemic Shock before they tried covering up their mistakes or, I should say, misdeeds by intubating him.


FYI, I'm the one texting in green or blue and before you ask, no, I am not a medical doctor but I am related to a few...  One, named Nathan Smith, who is very famous because he started medical schools and invented a surgery that saved many lives.

I'm also related to infamous people like Crazy Joe Gallo, The Mobster Who Broke the Mafia, William the Conqueror and Constantine the Great that took many lives but all very determined individuals and I think that I inherited a few of their genes.

Besides studying the human body, myself, for more than 40 years due to my own interests, hobbies and profession, I also consulted with numerous doctors instead of letting the media brainwash me into believing that a Cold Virus is killing everyone.

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And just in case you're wondering, the doctors already know who I am but instead of proving me wrong about anything, they hide vital signs monitors, urine samples, lab results, drugs and even themselves from me to cover up what they're doing.


Please, read about liver functions but the main ones to remember in Mikey's case and in millions of others with falsified medical records and death certificates is that it clears drugs and other poisons from the blood and it regulates blood clotting.

Located in the upper right abdomen, the liver is the largest solid organ in the body.  Nicknamed the body's metabolic or chemical factory, project manager, detoxifier and filter, it is actually responsible for more than 500 vital functions. 

Besides removing bacteria, drugs, alcohol, waste via bile production and other harmful toxins from the blood, the liver also creates immune factors that resist infections and it breaks down, creates and balances essential nutrients.

The liver is also a gland because it makes proteins, enzymes and hormones that other parts of the body needs.  It regulates glucose levels and blood clotting plus Metabolizes Drugs into forms that the body can use or that are non-toxic.

Metabolic by-products (toxins and waste) are then excreted into the bile or blood. Bile by-products enter the intestine and leave the body as feces.  Blood by-products are filtered out by the Kidneys and leave the body as urine.


Due to these

very important

activities, the

liver is exposed

to a number of

insults and is

the organ most

 subject to injury.

Drugs, food additives, alcohol, solvents and other man-made or natural toxins that cause liver damage are called Hepatotoxins.  The damage that they cause results in a condition called Hepatotoxicity, Liver Toxicity, Toxic Liver and Toxic Hepatitis.

When the damage is specifically caused by a drug, it's called a Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI).  If not properly and promptly treated, harmful toxins and waste will build up in the blood and damage all of the other organs, including the brain.


In Mikey's case, he took Extra Strength Tylenol for a headache which resulted in an APAP Poisoning.  He, soon, began experiencing fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and pain in his right side which are all very obvious symptoms of Liver Damage.


Mikey was also sweating a lot which is another symptom of liver damage so he was dehydrated.  His Poisoning and DILI were confirmed by high APAP levels and Liver Enzymes, in his blood, so he was quickly admitted for APAP Toxicity Treatment.


It didn't take much APAP to poison Mikey and damage his liver due to his Pre-Existing Liver Dysfunction and the long term use of cholesterol lowering drugs, referred to as Statins, which are also well-known for causing liver damage.

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Initially, symptoms of Liver Damage are identical to Influenza and Covid such as headache, fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle aches and weakness.  Then there's red eyes/face, blurred vision, sweating and breath odor.

Pain from liver inflammation and swelling is often reported in the upper right abdomen but can also be felt in the back, shoulders, neck and joints.  Breathing Difficulty is also common due to the swelling, toxins and electrolyte/pH imbalances.

Brain function also gets affected by the toxins called Hepatic Encephalopathy so these patients are disoriented and confused making them very easy targets for health insurance and Covid Relief fraud, especially when no visitors are allowed!



conversation with

Congressman Jeff VanDrew

No patient 

should ever be

left alone to

get mistreated

by doctors!

Over 400 years ago, Swiss alchemist and physician Paracelsus (1493–1541) said, "All substances are poisons;  there is none that is not a poison.  The Right Dose differentiates a poison from a remedy"...

Since the liver is responsible for filtering harmful substances from the blood, giving more Drugs or other chemicals to a patient with liver damage will only increase the amount of poisons in their body worsening their illness and condition...


It would be

just like adding

fuel to a fire

and we do not

need medical

degree to figure

that out, right?


Please see Guidelines for the Management of Acetaminophen Overdose and be aware that over a thousand other drugs (LiverTox Database) also cause Liver Damage since a damaged liver can't properly break down, use or get rid of drugs.

Instead of decontaminating Mikey's stomach with Activated Charcoal and preventing his APAP Poisoning from spreading throughout his body, the hospital gave him cough suppressants, anti-inflammatories, Ensure and chicken broth. 


Instead of giving Mikey the extremely safe and effective antidote called N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) for his DILI or even allowing his liver the necessary amount of time to heal on it's own, the hospital gave him anti-virals and anti-coagulants.

Since the liver is also responsible for blood clotting, damage leads to easy and uncontrollable bleeding called Coagulopathy.  Symptoms include pale, cold and clammy skin, rapid heart rate, difficulty breathing and dizziness.


Blood or other body fluid loss of about 20% leads to Hypovolemic Shock with low blood pressure and body temperature, fatigue, confusion, anxiety, pain in the head, chest and abdomen, seizures, coma and then multi-organ failure.

Instead of admitting that Mikey was bleeding to death due to their neglect and mistreatment of his liver damage, the hospital lied and tried covering it up by giving him oxygen masks, a blood transfusion, anti-anxiety drugs and intubation!

Increased pressure, called Portal Hypertension, from liver damage causes veins to rupture and leak fluid into the abdomen.  This fluid build-up, called Ascites, causes even more discomfort, breathing difficulty, nausea, vomiting and Body Fluid Loss.

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Instead of rehydrating Mikey with IV Fluids, the hospital gave him a potent diuretic called Lasix...  There was no good reason, whatsoever, to give Mikey any diuretics since he was already dehydrated due to diarrhea and sweating from his poisoning!

And just so you

know, Mikey's

diarrhea was so

bad that he even

shit his pants

while driving to

the hospital so the

greedy doctors

and their helpers

can not claim they

weren't aware of

him losing a large

amount of fluid!


An infection may occur in the Ascites which causes fever, chills and abdominal pain but the doctors will pretend that they don't know what it is or they'll refer to it as sepsis but it's really called Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis and no mystery, at all!

Instead of admitting that their neglect and mistreatment of Mikey's Poisoning and DILI killed him, the hospital blamed everything on Covid while giving artificial life support, antibiotics and anti-fungals to his Brain Dead body for 8-9 more days.

Does any of

this sound 

familiar to you?

I bet it does if

you have lost a

loved one to

"Covid" or, I

should say, to

Liver Failure!


In fact, all doctors who are owned by Big Pharma are pretending that they don't know what's causing liver damage or the very obvious signs, symptoms and lab values of it and, then, the many Complications of Liver (and Kidney) Failure.


They intentionally misuse terminology like hematoma, bruise, illness and "with" Covid instead of hemorrhage, uncontrollable bleeding, APAP Poisoning and DILI to mislead patients, family members, health insurance companies and government agencies.


BTW, did you know that hospitals get $50,000 just for admitting someone "with" Covid?  They also get extra money for everything else they do, if Covid related, then receive huge bonuses for reaching a certain number of "Covid" patients per day! 

In the end, hospitals convince family members that their loved ones died of Covid instead of Liver Damage so that extensive medical bills and all funeral expenses will be paid for by us, the taxpayers, which is all really terrorism and fraud! 

And get this, all mistreatment that is fraudulently labeled as Covid related makes hospitals and doctors immune to lawsuits!  Well, an APAP Poisoning and DILI is not uncommon and the signs, symptoms and lab values are very easy to recognize.  


Of course, there are no recent statistics on this since most illnesses and deaths are blamed on Covid, now, but Poisonings and Liver Injuries from drugs were responsible for over 60,000 Emergency Department visits, annually, in the past.

Sadly, most people aren't aware that they've already had liver (and kidney) damage for many years because their doctors don't tell them and even hide and lie about it but there are many lab values and symptoms that prove it.

There is no doubt that this number has greatly increased due to being constantly terrorized with Covid by the so-called scientists, politicians and media then our hospitals pushing Tylenol use for it when it's really much more harmful than helpful.











The underlined words "have had" and "during" in the screenshot, below, mean that these so-called COVID-19 patients have damaged their livers with APAP or another hepatotoxic drug while medicating for an injury or illness.


If this happens to you, do not allow a hospital to mistreat you for "Covid" or give you anything other than NAC because it will cause Acute Liver Failure (ALF) or, if you have pre-existing liver disease, Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF).


Especially, if using

cholesterol lowering

drugs and/or alcohol,

at the same time!


It's the hospital drugs that are killing people with pre-existing liver disease, not Covid or the "after effects" of it... See ACLF mortality rates, below, and don't ever believe that it's more important to get treated for Covid instead of liver damage.


See, also, Covid Live - Coronavirus Statistics which, oddly, seems to include all of the Coronaviruses, not just Covid.  It definitely does not factor in those who weren't tested, nor does it rule out other causes so the CMR is actually much lower.

Just the fact that Mikey took Lipitor (Atorvastatin), for many years, to lower his cholesterol was proof that he had pre-existing liver dysfunction since the liver is responsible for making cholesterol, using it and getting rid of the excess.


Yep, that's right, the excess cholesterol and plaque build-up that causes heart attacks is really due to liver dysfunction.  It's so disgusting how doctors hide and lie about their patient's real health problems and the very simple cures for them!

So, after taking Lipitor for over 20 years, Mikey was just started on a new drug called TriCor (Fenofibrate) which is probably what triggered his illness, in the first place...  I wonder why this very hepatotoxic drug was even prescribed, at that time.


And nobody knows, except the hospital, whether Mikey was taking the Lipitor and TriCor together or if he switched to TriCor, alone...  He, then, had a beer or two at our Christmas party and started taking Tylenol, soon, after that for a headache. 


Besides being verbally informed, all of this becomes extremely apparent to the doctors in Blood and Imaging Tests so they definitely knew about Mikey's liver damage but chose to mistreat him for Covid anyway knowing that it would kill him!

The use of statin drugs, alone, is a HUGE CONTRAINDICATION for administering Covid drugs besides the most important fact that Mikey was really admitted to the hospital for an APAP Poisoning resulting in Liver Damage, not for Covid.

You also need to be very aware that even your primary care doctor will hide liver disease and damage and other VERY SERIOUS HEALTH PROBLEMS, from you, just like they did to my brother, mother and many others that I've spoken with.

MAKE SURE to get a copy of your bloodwork and RESEARCH EVERYTHING.  Use the OMNI Calculator for your AST and ALT enzymes...  it doesn't matter if they are within a normal range, it's the ratio between them that determines liver disease.  


Although the hospital hid Mikey's real illness and condition from us after admitting him so they could mistreat him for "Covid" instead, you'll see that his Symptoms and Lab Findings followed the Clinical Stages of Acetaminophen Toxicity, exactly.

I believe that the hospital allowed Mikey's liver to recuperate a little bit in between giving him more Hepatotoxic Drugs as his symptoms seemed to improve for a day or two and then he would, suddenly and suspiciously, become very ill again.  


You can see all of the updates on Mikey's medical condition at the bottom of the page but below are a few of them referring to his Tylenol (APAP) Poisoning and Elevated Liver Enzymes which are always an indication of liver damage.


The terms damage and disease both mean that the Liver is not functioning properly..  and, yes, elevated liver enzymes may be temporary but it's important to remember that it takes a couple of weeks to several months for the liver to heal.


You should also be aware that once liver damage symptoms occur from APAP is that people tend to take even more of it or other drugs to try and lessen their symptoms which only makes their condition worse.  That's exactly what Mikey did! 


There is no direct evidence of liver infections due to Covid and a DILI should always be taken into consideration before starting any drug treatment...  especially, after the use of APAP.   See General Guidelines used to Diagnose Liver Disease.


The importance of ALT and AST is that they are almost exclusively synthesized in the liver so finding them in the blood is not normal and should always be investigated as potential liver damage.  See Elevated Liver Enzymes: Causes and Treatment

Elevated liver enzymes occur in up to 58% of "Covid" patients which means that they are really Liver Disease/Damage patients being mistreated for Covid.  See: Elevated Liver Enzymes in Patients with COVID-19: Look, but Not Too Hard.


You'll notice in the updates on Mikey's condition how his Liver Problems were totally ignored by my family, just like they were programmed to do, so the money hungry doctors could carry out their diabolical plot without even being questioned. 


Poisoning and DILI of any kind is always a Critical-Care Emergency, whether you have symptoms or not...  And, yes, Mikey was "pretty sick" but it was due to him taking too much Tylenol for a headache resulting in Liver Damage, not Covid!


He already went through Stage 1 Acetaminophen Toxicity, at home, and may have been either recovering or entering into Stage 2 when he, finally, went to the hospital and, exactly, why the ER doctor told him that he was being admitted.

He was not admitted for Covid and should NOT have been mistreated for it...  As I said before, administering more drugs, in this condition, is just adding more poison to the body since the liver can't break it down, use it or get rid of any of it.

Hospitals are very well aware of this extremely deadly "protocol" so if they are participating in it, they are actually committing torture, murder and fraud which is exactly what Inspira Medical Center of Vineland did to Mikey!


Right after Mikey was admitted to the hospital, the doctors and nurses began ignoring, hiding and even lying about his real illness and condition so they could mistreat him with tons of very expensive Covid drugs and equipment, instead.


They pretended that Mikey was sick to his stomach due to a cough and, immediately, began administering cough suppressants, anti-inflammatories, anti-virals and other drugs that are also known for causing liver damage.


Do you really think that the doctors are so incompetent that they would keep giving Mikey more hepatotoxic drugs on top of his pre-existing liver disease and Lipitor, Tricor, alcohol and APAP liver damage without knowing it would hurt him?

I truly believe that the oxygen mask was used to prevent Mikey from communicating, to us, what was really happening as every single phone conversation was monitored and then interrupted by a nurse or loud noises.


The doctors and nurses, then, began hiding Mikey's Hemorrhage by referring to it as a hematoma.  A hematoma is a localized pool of mostly clotted blood so using that medical term was a total misrepresentation of the truth.


You can clearly see that Mikey was hemorrhaging, severely, in the photo below taken on 01/20.  The dark red color in his liver area is an active bleeding site while the black color on his lower back is 4 - 5 days old.


I, initially, thought that Mikey's hemorrhage was caused by the hospital giving him too much blood thinner as that was what they falsely claimed but my cousin, who is a Urologist, told me that it was really Liver Damage.

Besides clearing the body of drugs and other toxins, the liver is responsible for blood clotting which it can't do when damaged.  Other doctors say that the hospital caused Mikey's hemorrhage, intentionally, with Blunt Trauma.

The hospital even went as far as using Lasix to drain Mikey's Ascites and arm restraints to hide his hand flapping, panic attacks and seizures as his brain became more damaged by the build-up of toxins in his bloodstream.


If mistreated, this will lead to a coma then a complete loss of brain function.  I'm sure that was the hospital's plan since they, continually, gave Lasix to Mikey which causes Serious Dehydration and Electrolyte Imbalances.

Signs of Serious Electrolyte Imbalances: 

  • Blood Pressure Changes

  • Shortness of Breath

  • Confusion

  • Fatigue

  • Nausea and Vomiting

  • Rapid or Irregular Heartbeat

  • Weakness or Difficulty Moving

  • Frequent or Infrequent Urination

  • Extreme Thirst

  • Fainting

  • Seizure


Info taken from Medical News Today.

Why in the world would a hospital ever give a potent diuretic to a patient who's very ill with diarrhea or to anyone else with dehydration problems, like my 92 year old mother, when it's sure to dehydrate them some more?

Besides killing my brother and falsifying my mother's medical records, Inspira Medical Center also did this...  According to 3 witnesses, the doctor poured Olive oil on me so that my son would inhale it when born causing him to stop breathing. 


This malicious act made a simple delivery charge go from $3,000 to well over $100,000 as they continued lying and mistreating my son for an infection that he didn't have proven by negative lab tests which they hid from us.


You don't really

believe that a

doctor or hospital

would ever admit

to doing anything

wrong, do you?


Well, it seems that they had a precise timeline set for Mikey's death as the nurses informed him on 01/14 that the drugs they were using were working but he'd have to stay in the hospital for 4 more weeks which made no sense!


Why would they say 4 more weeks when Remdesivir claims a 95% recovery rate for Covid in only 10 days?  And if Mikey really only had Covid, he would've recovered from it, at home, in the same amount of time or less!


And, do you know

what's really weird

or, I should say,


Mikey "passed 

peacefully" on 2/11

which was exactly

4 weeks later,

according to the

hospital, anyway!


I believe that Mikey went into a Coma on 02/02 then died, sometime, before 02/04 but they kept his heart beating and skin warm, artificially, with the ventilator for 8-9 more days.


This photo was taken during a facetime call on 02/04 when Mikey showed no sign of life, whatsoever, while in previous phone calls a nurse claimed that his eyes were wide open.


You'll also see in the updates that Mikey no longer needed arm restraints, a catheter or IVs, anymore, as the hospital admitted to removing them.  Why would they do that to someone who is, supposedly, sedated and still alive?!  


It's like I said, Mikey already died before 02/04 due to the hospital destroying his liver and dehydrating him with their drugs but they covered it all up so they could blame everything on Covid, over a week later!


On 02/06 and 02/08, the doctor claimed that Mikey was "going down slowly" but he was already dead and that's why he went "peacefully" when taken off of the ventilator on 02/11...  otherwise, he would've gasped for air!


It's also why

Mikey's face

already started

to turn black 


in this photo

taken on 02/10

which occurs 

4-10 days

after death!


The reason why the nurses told Mikey on 01/14 that he would have to stay in the hospital for another 4 weeks is because the duration between an acute hepatic insult and Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF) is 4 weeks.

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The acute hepatic insult that caused Mikey's liver to fail was not really due to his initial DILI from the Lipitor/Tricor and APAP but the multitude of hepatotoxic drugs that the hospital started administering on 01/07.

This was the same day that his liver enzymes just started to come down, supposedly, from the DILI that he was admitted for on 01/03 and before his liver even had a chance to start healing.  What sickos!


That was on

top of Mikey's


liver dysfunction 

and use of

statin drugs

(and alcohol)

which were all



for administering


or any other

 hepato and nephro

toxic drugs!


I believe that the hospital started using arm restraints on Mikey, around 01/29, to hide his hand flapping then panic attacks and seizures after his brain became more damaged by the toxins in his blood.


On 01/31, Mikey's gallbladder was distended then, on 02/01, it had sludge in it due to the lack of bile production in the liver.  Also, on 02/01, the doctor claimed there was no liver damage. 


This is after Mikey's liver enzymes were elevated for many days due to the APAP...


and, again, while on the Remdesivir...


which is when his severe hemorrhage began...

with an increase in his heart and breath rates...


which was due to "so much" blood loss, not inflammation in Mikey's lungs!


After the doctor lied about Mikey's liver damage on 02/01, his liver enzymes went up again on 02/02 which they tried blaming on Covid...


Mikey also had very bad diarrhea on 02/02 but no fever.  A doctor friend told me that this was really the day that Mikey died or started dying...  


You can see how Mikey's FiO2 went from 20% on 02/02 which is less than Natural Air meaning that he was not receiving any supplemental oxygen to a whopping 90% on 02/04 indicating a sudden and complete loss of function. 


Don't forget that the doctor wouldn't take or return any phone calls on 02/03...


Then admitted on 02/04 to removing Mikey's catheter and IVs because that's actually when all of his organs failed due to liver damage, not Covid.


If Mikey was still alive on 02/03, he most likely spent the entire day having panic attacks and seizures before going into a Coma.  That's why his doctor wouldn't answer the phone or call my sister back with any updates.


After Mikey died, the hospital thought it was safe to allow a facetime call with him on 02/04 since he could no longer show any symptoms or communicate to us what was really happening.

The day after that, the hospital gave Mikey more Tylenol (the drug that damaged his liver and imprisoned him their in the first place) to make sure that he was finished off before claiming the day after that one that he was going down slowly.


That's so ridiculous because Mikey was on a Ventilator which would have provided oxygen to his entire body even if his lungs weren't working, at all!  And why exactly wasn't Mikey a candidate for a lung transplant?


The hospital claimed that he was too unstable but the truth is that all of his organs already failed, days earlier, because the hospital ignored his liver damage so they could mistreat him for Covid, instead, KNOWING that it would kill him! 


I could tell on 01/31 that Mikey's liver was failing when his gallbladder became distended and then filled with sludge.  That's because the liver is responsible for making the bile fluid which is stored in the gallbladder.


Once the toxins took over Mikey's brain, it couldn't tell his other organs what to do anymore and that was it, game over.  I truly believe that the hospitals are, intentionally, dragging these murders out so they can make a million dollars off of each one...

And I believe that they are doing this to millions of other victims.  Just look up how many people are diagnosed with liver problems, each year, then imagine how many others are going undiagnosed or just having it hidden from them by their doctors!


It's also proven that patients receiving APAP and Lasix in hospitals had the worst outcomes.  They really can't be that stupid so it must be intentional!  I think all of that sepsis, cytokine storm and multi-organ failure talk related to Covid is a bunch of BS.

The hospitals are the ones who are killing people with their drugs then blaming it on Covid, cancer and other huge money makers...  And they're pushing Tylenol and all kinds of other garbage on people hoping to round up more victims, just like Mikey!


Mikey's heart and respiratory rates were not that high in the monitor photo due to inflamed lungs like the hospital claimed...  It was due to a severe Hemorrhage which resulted in Hypovolemia, a significant loss of blood and/or other body fluids.


This is proven by his Normal O2 Levels and other signs and symptoms disclosed by the hospital and by Mikey, himself.  Plus, we have photos of his severe hemorrhage that the hospital caused but continually ignored, hid and lied about!


Like I said, Hypovolemia describes a significant loss of fluid from the body which can result in Hypovolemic Shock.  It can happen due to a lot of bleeding, sweating, throwing up, diarrhea or the use of very potent diuretic like Lasix.

The hospital even continued giving Mikey the Lasix after he began hemorrhaging...  And, yes, they knew exactly what they were doing!  So, then, on 01/17, they claimed that Mikey began experiencing pain and a "hematoma" appeared on his chest.


Well, we know from photos taken on 01/20 that it wasn't just a hematoma but a life threatening hemorrhage.  We also know that the bleeding really began a few days before due to the black color on his lower back so those were both lies!


Don't forget that the nurses told Mikey, on 01/14, which was the same day his internal bleeding began, that the medications they were giving him were working but he'd have to stay in the hospital for another 4 weeks.


If Mikey's illness was really due to Covid, or only Covid, and the Remdesivir that they were giving him claims a 95% recovery rate for Covid within 10 days, then why would he have to stay in the hospital for 4 more weeks?  


Later that day, Mikey told his son that he felt yucky and then, on 01/15, he sent a text message to us saying that he was exhausted.  Later that day, the nurse said that Mikey was doing good but wouldn't let him talk on the phone.


You can also tell, in this update from 01/15, that Mikey was already hemorrhaging as the nurse was prefacing to say that he injured himself and caused his own hemorrhage which would have been impossible for him to do!


On 01/16, Mikey complained to Jean that he was dizzy and his nose hurt.  She had to call the nurse for him who, supposedly, went to him immediately.  Later that day, the nurse claimed that Mikey was doing good but, again, wouldn't let him talk on the phone.


On 01/17, the hospital claimed that Mikey was experiencing pain and then a "hematoma" appeared on his chest (Yes, I know that I'm repeating myself) so they took a CATscan but did not disclose to us what they found or, I should say, what they already knew!


There is no big mystery pertaining to Liver Dysfunction (Damage/Disease)...  almost everyone has it these days due to all of the chemicals that we put in and on our bodies.  The doctors know all of the signs and symptoms plus the blood and imaging tests prove it!


The hospital did disclose that Mikey's "O2 sat" was good on 01/17 but, again, wouldn't let him talk on the phone...


But, if his O2 saturation was good then that confirms his lungs were still working good.  That means his dizziness, on 01/16, was really due to his hemorrhage and the lack of blood in his body, not inflamed lungs or the lack of oxygen in his blood.  


It also confirms that Mikey already had a lot of Blood Loss by 01/16 and was actually bleeding to death due to Inspira ignoring his real medical emergency that he was admitted for and then causing him more harm with their drugs...

And, very possibly, some blunt trauma to his liver!  On 01/18, Dr Jessica Lee started pushing the ventilator on Mikey and falsely blaming his decline on inflamed lungs instead of his severe hemorrhage which they, obviously, caused.


She claimed that his lab levels weren't as good as they were due to him working so hard to breath but his hematomas looked better which was a bunch of BS proven by the fact that he was still hemorrhaging, severely, in the 01/20 photos! 


I don't think we received an update on 01/19 except that Mikey was, supposedly, feeling better but he didn't respond to our text messages. 


On 01/20, we clearly saw that Mikey really had a hemorrhage and he was still actively bleeding...  It was not just a hematoma, a localized area of mostly clotted blood, and it was NOT healing like Dr Jessica Lee claimed!

We also clearly saw that Mikey's heart rate (HR) was 104 beats per minute and his respirations (RR) were 36 breaths per minute. His blood pressure and temperature sensors were, suspiciously, disconnected but, admittingly, low in the updates!


Dr Jessica Lee pretended to be very concerned about Mikey's lungs during this time but also had his SpO2 sensor disconnected...  Below is what a Vital Signs monitor looks like when doctors are not hiding their malpractice!


All of this means that the hospital was, definitely, hiding the fact that Mikey was, actually, bleeding to death as he already lost 1500-2000ml or 30-40% of his total blood volume according to the CLASSES OF HEMORRHAGE chart.


Mikey also complained of his eyes hurting on 01/20 which could've been either liver or blood loss related...  And, again, his phone call was interrupted and cut short by a nurse so he couldn't tell Leda, his fiancé, what was really happening!


On 01/21, Dr Zachary Brittingham continued hiding and lying about Mikey's severe hemorrhage that they caused by blaming his shortness of breath on Covid, instead, when he claimed that his "hematoma" was healing but his breathing was the same.


On 01/22, Mikey was given one unit (one pint) of blood but the hospital did not disclose why it was necessary... But we all know that cold viruses don't cause easy/uncontrollable bleeding, right?!

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Also, on 01/22, the hospital disclosed that Mikey's VSS (Vital Signs Stable) were "good still on cpap" meaning that his oxygen levels were still good and also that his lungs were still working good.


Mikey's problem was not lung damage due to Covid but blood/body fluid loss due to the hospital's, intentional, neglect and mistreatment of his APAP Poisoning and Liver Damage which caused his bleeding.


Just like they are doing to millions of others who were poisoned, including young children, by not Decontaminating their stomachs anymore which is proven on Table 16A from  How evil is that?!

Don't you wonder, now, if anyone actually died of Covid... or, even, the Flu?  Heck, I'm even starting to wonder if Cancer really exists!

On 01/23, they gave Mikey 100% oxygen, Seroquel and Precedex because his respirations were 30-39 breaths per minute and he felt very anxious.


This Respiratory Rate, Mental Status and the photo of bleeding liver from 01/20 indicate a Class III Hemorrhage with a 30-40 % loss of blood volume.


Of course, this is when the hospital pushed the ventilator, even more, to try and hide the fact that Mikey was going into Hypovolemic Shock due to them mistreating him with Other drugs instead of decontaminating his stomach with Activated Charcoal and giving him NAC, the antidote, for his Poisoning.

Like I said before, hospitals are intentionally neglecting and mistreating patient's real medical emergencies because if any of the drugs in the Other category on Table 15 from were proven antidotes, like NAC is, or even a recommended Therapy, they would be listed individually by name!

Seroquel and Precedex, by the way, are contraindicated in liver damage patients along with all Other drugs which means that they will, actually, worsen the patient's condition...  and the fact that Mikey was even given a blood transfusion is more proof that he had a hemorrhage, not a hematoma.


As expected, on 01/24, Mikey's condition worsened and he told our mother, on the phone, that he never felt so sick before in his entire life and he wished that the hospital would just let him die.  That was the last time we heard from our dear Mikey as he was intubated the next morning.


On 01/27, Dr. G said that he would check Mikey's "bruise" and advise us which he never did...  BUT, if Dr. G was, still, concerned about a "bruise" that occurred 2 weeks ago then that means the "bruise" was, still, really a hemorrhage!


The pictures, below, taken by me on 02/08 shows fluid build-up (Edema) in Mikey's hands...  Although they had his legs elevated that day to drain the fluid from them, it was still very noticeable in his abdominal area.


The easy bleeding (Coagulopathy) at Mikey's cuticles is due to the Pulse Oximeter and more proof of liver failure.  These dark spots cause inaccurate readings which is why the Pulse Oximeter is not on a bigger finger where it is supposed to be!


If Mikey's organs were failing due to Low Oxygen Levels, you would also be able to see Signs of Respiratory Distress like Cyanosis, a blue discoloration, in his fingers and toes but, nope, they were yellow (Jaundice) due to Liver Failure.


You can also see the Jaundice and Coagulopathy in the videos, below, taken by me on 02/08 but no Signs of Respiratory Distress, whatsoever!  No grunting, nose flaring, retractions, sweating, wheezing or changes in his body position!

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This is the same day that the hospital claimed that Mikey's body and organs were failing due to severe lung damage from Covid...  If that was anywhere near the truth, he'd be gasping for air and his lips and tongue would be blue!

Towards the end of Mikey's extremely suspicious death, the hospital pretended to search for an infection which was most likely Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis in the Ascites (fluid buildup) due to his liver failure.

The picture, below, taken by one of Mikey's friends on 02/10 shows how the hospital hid his Ascites (fluid build-up) in his abdomen and Edema in his arms and legs with a sheet as they never had him covered up this much before!


His grey-black discoloration (Putrefaction) proves that he had already been dead for 4-10 days as there is no way that his face should've been darker after spending a month and a half inside a hospital with absolutely no sunshine!


So, Mikey really died on 02/03 or 02/02 which was 8-9 days before they unplugged him.  FYI, life support machines maintain the person's breathing, heart rate and body warmth which gives the illusion that the person is still alive.


Do you really think that the doctors, nurses and staff don't know that all of this is happening or what is causing it?  Well, if I can figure it out then you know that THEY DAMN SURE KNOW when they see it or, I should say, cause it everyday!


BTW, my niece who's a nurse claims that bleeding is normal in Covid patients...  Now, if she's seeing bleeding in Covid patients so often that those idiotic words would even come out of her mouth then they are definitely killing a lot of people this way!

This text is from a friend of mine whose mother passed away in Oct 2021, supposedly, from Covid.  She was also taking statin drugs and Tylenol and, as you can see, had the same exact symptoms as Mikey did.


This hospital, in Florida, lied and pretended that they didn't know what was causing her internal bleeding, or "bruising" as they called it to make it seem insignificant, just like our hospital did with Mikey.


Easy and uncontrollable bleeding is a sure sign of Liver Damage because, as I said before, the liver is responsible for blood clotting.  You can also see the jaundice in her face and swollen hands, just like Mikey had.


This hospital lied to my friend, again, and claimed that her mother was confused due to encephalitis from Covid when it was really due to Hepatic Encephalopathy from the buid-up of toxins in her blood from her liver failure.

They know all of these Liver Failure symptoms and drug side affects reactions, very well...  So, I am betting that the Lasix which was given to my friend's mom and to Mikey was used to hide their Ascites and precipitate their comas. 

They just don't make enough money from just giving them the antidote or just telling them to stop taking the Drugs that are causing their real problem which is liver damage!

My friend wasn't allowed to visit her mom either until in a Coma and unable to communicate.  She had great health insurance coverage, too, and after 2 weeks of mistreatment was given the same "4 more weeks" timeline...

And, just so you know, most health insurance plans max out at a million dollars which takes approximately 6 weeks in the hospital.  It's the same exact story or, I should say, diabolical plan being carried out, over and over!


The picture, below, is of a 41 year old man who resided in Michigan and, supposedly, died of Covid.  You can see the swelling in his hand, just like Mikey's and my friend's mom's, indicating Liver Failure.  He had other similar symptoms, as well.


I wrote to his wife and asked her if he took Tylenol, too...  She said that he did not use it at home but was pumped full of it when he arrived at the hospital for, supposedly, a case of Pneumonia.  You can read an excerpt of her reply, below:


Tylenol is not even an anti-inflammatory so there's not much reason to give it to someone for a virus, other than to damage their livers.  Be aware, also, that Tylenol blunts emotions and makes patients more compliant!

I'm sure that the majority of these victims are really dying of Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure, not Covid.  The hospitals are not only aware of this happening and hiding it but are also creating it as I proved!

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These sickos continue to get away with it because they falsify medical records and nobody will come forward to expose them.  Now, Jase will never see his daddy, again, because Inspira tortured and killed him for covid money which is also fraud! 


Like I said, there's proof on that hospitals are neglecting and mistreating patients, including young children, who were poisoned by drugs.  It's also very suspicious that their website hasn't been updated since Covid began in 2020!


Table 18 proves that APAP is actually the #1 cause of Fatalities due to all poisonings when you add the APAP Alone and APAP Combinations together...  It's NOT Miscellaneous or Pharmaceutical and Illegal Opiod Preparations like we are told!

I misspoke in video, below, regarding the number of Human Exposures (Table 16A) to Activated Charcoal Administered in 2020...  It's really 33,654 out of 2,128,198 for all exposures and 4,007 out of 886,342 for children 5 or less.

Out of 105,861 Acetaminophen Cases (Table 22B) reported in 2020, only 27,099 were treated with NAC (Table 15), the antidote, which is 100% effective when given within 10 hours and, still, very effective after that.


Instead of decontaminating these victims or administering the antidotes, the hospitals are allowing the poisons to travel throughout their bodies then giving them Other (Table 15) drugs that are actually causing more harm and deaths.


I'm sure that these neglects and mistreatments have only gotten worse since Covid with the hospitals pushing Tylenol for everything.  They even give it, regularly, to patients who are not in pain during their hospital and rehabilitation stays!

Here's a graph taken from Worldometers - Covid Tracker that should make one seriously question our healthcare system.  Why were there bigger spikes of Covid cases, especially in January 2022, after the "vaccine" mandates in December 2020?

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Here's a graph taken from Our World in Data tracking Daily COVID-19 vaccine doses administered...  when you compare it to Deaths per Day from Worldometers - Covid Tracker, you'll see that many more deaths, suspiciously, occurred after the vaccines.

Lastly, I want to point out that the last big spike of fraudulent Covid Cases was when Inspira Medical Center killed Mikey...  and that the "Covid" Deaths per Day went way down and stayed down after I published this website in February 2022.  

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Does NOT Kill,

People Do!

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Please Read
